Stroll through the fields

This short and child-friendly walk gives a good impression of the unique Maasheggen landscape in half an hour.
See the weir and lock complex and walk along the meadows. Experience a real fairytale forest feeling as you walk among the tall hedges that are in the middle of the route.

Walk down the hill to node 1 and turn right. Follow the road to node 22 and turn left into the dirt path. Turn right at the T-junction toward node 23. Turn left and follow to node 32. Turn left -you are now leaving the hiking network- and walk straight to node 22. Turn left and walk back to the starting point.

FOLLOW THE NODES 01 - 22 - 39* - 23 - 32 - - 39* - 22 - 01

* Node 39 has yet to be installed.


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