Hiking trails in The Maasheggen

It is great to walk and stroll in The Maasheggen! Discover for yourself where you can walk or choose one of the routes below.

Roundabout monastery Sint Agatha - 2.6 kilometers

Saint Agatha Route - 4.2 kilometers (Staatsbosbeheer)

Boot Trail Middelsteeg Meadows - 3.5 km (Staatsbosbeheer)

Route Oeffelter Meent - 6.7 km

Route Oeffeltse Raam - 12.7 km

Around Castle Boxmeer - 3 km

Stroll through the fields - 2.6 km

Around Heg and Maas - 2.7 km or 4.3 km

Meadow, hedge and forest trail - 4.4 km

Butterfly trail - 1.0 km

De Pontipad - 2.3 km (Staatsbosbeheer)

Route Groeningse Bergjes - 6,7 km

The hiking map (2019 edition) is available at:

* the Kruisheren monastery in Sint Agatha;
* grand café Het Veerhuis in Oeffelt;
* The Schutkooi in Vortum-Mullem.

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