'Bread as Maasheggenbrood is meant to be'

Flavorist Cris Daniëls

For Cris Daniels, the man behind Bakker Fijnebol, baking bread was initially nothing more than a hobby. Baking delicious buns for friends and family, often preceding holidays and other special occasions. But soon he started getting requests from others. Whether he wanted to bake bread for them too. Thus the hobby project became a thriving, small-scale business. "I want to go back to basics with my bread," says Cris. "Honest, pure and artisanal delicacies without unnecessary additives. Bread as bread is meant to be."

Cris worked in a bakery for many years before making the switch to another field of work. However, the love for baking has remained. "I started with a modest kitchen project, with nothing more than a simple food processor, and it quickly grew into a professional bakery that took up our entire house. When we moved, I seized the opportunity to turn the garage into a small-scale bakery. Each week I have a regular clientele that I keep informed of the weekly offerings through a group app. I post the list and they respond to what they might want. This direct interaction with customers helps me avoid surpluses and allows me to introduce new and experimental products, such as dairy-free options."
His breads, currant buns and more are loved by private customers as well as local day care centers and restaurants.

"One of my most special creations is the Maasheggenbroodje. Inspired by the herbs Janneke and Marloes from the Herbs of the Maasheggen use in their tea. In consultation with them, I decided to create a bread product with those same herbs. I experimented and together we kept tasting until the end result was a reality. In the future, I hope to use local grain as well. Now the Maasheggenbroodjes can be found at local hotspots, such as the Douairière in Boxmeer."
For some time now, Cris Daniëls has also been a member of the enthusiastic club of producers gathered in Taste of the Maasheggen. He proudly presents his artisanal delicacies, including at regional markets and tastings. Cris: "It is wonderful to see how many beautiful Maasheggen products there are."
His Maasheggen buns are the most delicious fresh. For that reason, you won't find the rolls in the Maasheggen packages that are offered. Cris is thinking about developing another product (Maasheggenkoekjes as an example) that can become part of the package.

Baker Fijnebol
How did the name Bakker Fijnebol actually come about? Every night Cris read to his daughter Loes from the book "Pietje Puk," and the name of the baker in the story, Bakker Fijnebol, felt like a fitting choice. After contacting the heiress of author Henri Arnoldus, Cris received permission to use the name Bakker Fijnebol.

Cris van Fijnebol's passion and dedication are excellent to taste in his honest and artisan bread lovingly presented to his growing clientele.


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