Hawthorn from the Maasheggen area, good for blood & heart

Resi Jilisen

Resi Jilisen (46) lives in Maashees

What do the Maasheggen mean to you?

Twice a year, in spring and fall, I host a vegan dinner at the Meerstoel with produce from the area. "All the vegetables for that come from the picking garden in Vortum-Mullem," says Resi. In addition, this year she and Janneke Bergholtz are organizing herb -and wander trips for the first time. She then goes with the group into the Maasheggengebied in search of everything that grows and blooms and is also tasty and healthy. With her knowledge of herbal medicine, Resi uses the Maasheggengebied in its full glory. Nettles, dandelion, birdseye, daisies, dock sorrel, Resi knows how to incorporate it all into healthy meals. To set up these tours and bring them to the attention of a larger public, she and Janneke Bergholtz of the Meerstoel(read her story here) submitted a plan of action to the municipality of Boxmeer asking for financial support. When it was approved, they were able to get started. "It's a success, and I hope to be able to do this in the fall as well. Then very different plants grow again, which makes it very versatile." Want to know when the next vegan dinner is or the herb and trail ride? Check the calendar here.

What do you think is the most beautiful spot at Maasheggen?

A very narrow gnarly path.

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