'You taste the abundant biodiversity back in the Maasheggen honey'

Flavorist Rob Somers

Rob Somers, owner of Imkerij De Moassense Berg, has a passion for bees and honey. His beekeeping career began with watching DIY videos, which inspired him to make a hive, a top barhive. His enthusiasm was shared by his wife, but she didn't want bees in their own garden. So Rob went looking for a suitable spot and found it at a farmer's place on a piece of land.

But the beekeeping world turned out to be not as simple as making a hive and buying a hive. Fortunately, he came across Mia and Cor, owners of a beekeeping depot in Sint Hubert. They offered him the chance to learn and grow as a beekeeper. Rob took a basic course and regularly walked with Mia. More and more often he began helping her with the bees. In time, he took over Cor's apiaries and saw the number of hives go from five to seventy.

'I have diligently completed several courses, including queen breeding and bee product inspector. I am currently training to become a beekeeping teacher. Bees are truly fascinating creatures on their own, but especially together when they form a complete organism of their own. Bees are invaluable to the ecosystem and our food supply. We are fortunate to live in such a beautiful environment where Maasheggen is the foundation. My hives are located at various places in the Maasheggen such as at Fruitpark Groenz, de Vilt in Oeffelt and Camping de Brembroeken in Vortum Mullem. This is how Maasheggen honey is formed at its purest.'

Rob's apiary offers several varieties of delicious honey, including the Maasheggen honey. The Maasheggen is an area of abundant biodiversity, which makes for a unique taste experience and you can really taste that. Rob himself loves the creamy honey on a good sandwich, or the liquid honey in yogurt.

The work of a beekeeper is challenging, but also important. As Albert Einstein once said, "If the bees go extinct, we die in four years." Rob encourages everyone to plant more flowers, both in gardens and along roadsides, to help bees survive and thrive.

With his recently obtained beekeeper board from Farms Aware, Rob is being recognized for his commitment and dedication. He is determined to share his passion for bees and honey and hopes others will join him in his mission to support the world of bees and the value of biodiversity.


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