The Maasheggen are the setting for the running race the Maasheggenloop which we organize every year

Guido Verdijck and Remi Tuijtelaars

Proud Maasheggen with Guido Verdijck and Remi Tuijtelaars, organizers of the Contiweb Maasheggenloop and board members at AV Sporting Boxmeer

Guido Verdijck and Remi Tuijtelaars of AV Sporting Boxmeer are again organizing this year's running race that winds through the middle of Maasheggen: the Contiweb Maasheggenloop.

What do the Maasheggen mean to you?

"The Maasheggen are the setting for the running race the Maasheggenloop that we organize every year," Remi says. "At first, the run still went through the center of Boxmeer. The idea was to liven up the shopping Sunday that way. It became such a success that at one point it was no longer sustainable and it actually started to get in the way of the entrepreneurs in the center. Then we moved the competition to Groeningen. This year the 18th edition will take place. Already in previous editions the course went through the Maasheggen, but for many participants that tasted like more. We received many questions whether the section through the Maasheggen could be extended. Running through a unique natural and cultural area. Who wouldn't want that?"

Organizing a running race in the countryside is a bit different. "The day of the race we get there early to get all the materials and fences ready. The first year in Groeningen we didn't realize that it is pitch dark in the Maasheggen. That was a very special experience. This year we wait until the sun is up".

What is your favorite place in the Maasheggen?

Remi has had the Maasheggen as his backyard for 25 years and is devoted to the area. "Especially the seasonal changes are magnificent here." Guido was born and raised there. "I played and swam in the Meuse River and hiked and biked a lot here." The stretch near the Schutkooi is a favorite. "There you can run a beautiful stretch over the dike," Guido says. The rolling dune-like landscape near Vierlingsbeek is also popular.

What could be better?

"My wishes in that may be a little contradictory," Guido admits, "but I would say more asphalt for bikes and less asphalt for runners. There are still stretches of bike path that don't connect. Then you have to go over dirt paths that are very muddy after a wet period. For runners, it's just nice to have unpaved paths, that runs better." "Also," Remi adds, "the main thing to do is to continue restoring and braiding the hedges. I see that as a good way to preserve the original small scale of this area. After I retire, maybe I'll take up hip plaiting myself!"

More information about the Contiweb Maasheggenloop can be found at This year's Maasheggenloop will take place on Sunday, September 15, 2019 and will start in Groeningen (Boxmeer).

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