The Maasheggen is a "living laboratory. Both students and researchers from scientific institutes and colleges regularly conduct research in the area. Their insights, including through this website, are shared and used in the sustainable development of the area.
In addition, relevant field research also takes place in the area on a regular basis. We also like to share the results of this research via this website.
Scientific research
Basics in order in the Maasheggen area
Research on the use and application of nature data
Teun van Wiggen, Master of Forest and Nature Management (WUR), internship research report Staatsbosbeheer January - May 2024
The influence of Maas hedges on insect biodiversity in the Maas hedge area.
Rins Miggiels and Jens de Vocht, Merket College, February 2024
The relation between bird diversity and hedge density in the agriculture area Maasheggen, the Netherlands
Paco Kuit, Bachelor Thesis Future Planet Studies, University of Amsterdam, May 30, 2021
Climate-robust measures for agriculture.
An inventory of the application possibilities of climate-robust measures and the effects within the Meuse Valley
Commissioned by: Lectureship climate-robust landscapes, HAS green academy, February 10, 2023
Graduate Research Summary Energy Generation
Master Medical Biology - Science in Society
Michelle Cox, Radboud University Nijmegen
An interplay of agriculture and nature
A case study in the Maasheggen area
Graduation project Science in Society
Eline Koelman, ISIS department, Radboud University Nijmegen
Soil and plant legacies affect restoration of species-rich grassland on clay soil
Zoë Delamore, MSc thesis (WUR, Biology and Plant Sciences study), Feb. 13, 2019
Soil functioning underneath hedgerows in relation to adjacent land use, in a traditionally small-scale Dutch agricultural landscape.
Valerie L. Kalle, MSc thesis (WUR, Forest and Nature Management study), December 2019
The new generation of hedge weavers
How can the tradition of Maasheggenplichten be transferred to young people?
Ilse Zuidinga, graduation report ( Reinwardt Academy, Cultural Heritage course), January 21, 2020
Modern agriculture in an ancient landscape
Balancing cultural and ecological values with economic viability for farming in the Maasheggen UNESCO Man and Biosphere area
Arjen Brak, Angeline Bruls, Xinrou Huang, Rianne Kat, Lisanne Kruiswijk and Adamantini Mparmpakonstanti, MSc thesis WUR, December 2019
Inventories/monitoring of flora and fauna in UNESCO area The Maasheggen
Brabants Landschap has compiled a list of inventory surveys and counts that have taken place in the Maasheggen area.
The list includes a total of 79 surveys, broken down by:
- (breeding) birds
- amphibians
- butterflies
- dragonflies
- grasshoppers
- wild bees
- mammals
- plants
- trees and bushes
The surveys can be requested from Landscape Management Coordination Point at Brabants Landschap.
Field Research
Fire blight control 2024
by volunteers SLaBox
Fire blight control 2023
by volunteers SLaBox
Fire blight control 2022
by volunteers SLaBox