Evaluation report parcel exchange Maasheggen

Published: Wednesday, Feb. 03, 2021

In De Maasheggen, a total of 73 hectares of land was exchanged between 2017 and 2020. Some 58 hectares, nearly 80 percent of the total, were part of Nature Network Brabant (NNB). Entrepreneurial Nature Network Brabant (ONNB) is included in this.

Groen Ontwikkelfonds Brabant made financial resources available for the parcel exchange. Meanwhile, a second parcel exchange project has started, with the aim of exchanging another 140 hectares of land to expand the Brabant Nature Network. A grant application was submitted for this lot exchange project, which has since been approved by Groen Ontwikkelfonds Brabant.

Staatsbosbeheer and Groen Ontwikkelfonds Brabant evaluated the first parcel exchange process and wrote down their findings. The evaluation document offers interesting tips, good suggestions and relevant lessons learned.

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