First striking animal and plant census results Maasheggen

Published: Friday, Nov. 25, 2022

On November 21 at a meeting in Beugen the first results of the censuses started in the summer of 2022 were shared. This has not yet led to far-reaching conclusions about the plants and animals in the Maasheggengebied, but some striking results could already be reported. Two volunteers found 48 different species of nectariferous flowers in a verge. At times when many flowers are in bloom, the verge provides plenty of nectar.

RAVON and Vereniging Nederlands Cultuurlandschap have constructed new pools in the area and refurbished existing ones. Refurbishing the pools has had immediate results, the monitoring showed. After being absent for several years, crested newts and alpine newts are back in a number of ponds.

These and other results were presented at the meeting by the species organizations RAVON, FLORON, SOVON and the Butterfly Foundation. They gave feedback from the field meetings and made clear why counting is important. In processing the data, the species organizations cooperate with HAS Green Academy, Radboud University and the University of Amsterdam, among others.
Courses will be held in 2023 to further increase the knowledge of counting volunteers. Furthermore, IVN will take on the coordination of the volunteers.
Furthermore, Piet Hopman, project leader at Staatsbosbeheer, announced that Kraaijenbergse Plassen will also be involved in the project. Underwater counts will be carried out there in particular.

Also interested in contributing to the monitoring and development of the UNESCO Maasheggengebied by counting species? Send an email with your name and address details to

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