'The Maasheggen must be seen in May...'

Published: Thursday, April 25, 2024

On Thursday, May 2, KBO Boxmeer and IVN De Maasvallei organize a walk through the Maasheggengebied. The walk starts at 1:30 p.m. at Het Veerhuis in Oeffelt.

In May the Maasheggen are at their best: flowering shrubs such as hawthorn adorn the Maasheggen area from Cuijk to Maashees. Everywhere you see flowers and plants sprouting from the ground. The birds show their best side with song and courtship. With a little luck you will discover 30 different birds during the walk. Be sure to bring binoculars.
After the approximately 2-hour walk there will be coffee and tea for participants. Non-members are also welcome.
For more information call Piet Schoenmakers at 0485-520876. You can register via this link.

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