High water also affects Maasheggen
The extreme flooding, which caused much inconvenience in the south of our country last week, has also flooded most of The Maasheggen. With major consequences for the accessibility of the UNESCO site.
A significant part of the area is now inaccessible to people who do not need to be there. Even now that the water level is dropping, it is still unclear when De Maasheggen will again be passable and experienceable for cyclists and hikers. Just as the question remains as to what garbage remains in the area that came with the Maas water. This includes driftwood and silt, but also other material that was swept away by the Meuse during the high water.
The area partners want to clean and restore The Maasheggen as soon as possible. When this can be started and how much time it will take is not yet clear, however.
The photo was taken by Vereniging Nederlands Cultuurlandschap.
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