Enthusiasm over agricultural nature management knowledge day Maasheggen
On October 18, the Collective Deltaplan Landscape organized a knowledge day on agricultural nature management, which was enthusiastically received. The knowledge day took place near De Bergjes, in the southern part of De Maasheggen, where Peter and Joris Verstegen have been engaged in agricultural nature management for more than twenty years, during which time they have established hedgerows, field edges, bird corridors, winter food corridors and grain fields with extended grain stubble, among other things.
"The approach was mainly to learn from each other. And that certainly succeeded!" the organizing Collectief Deltaplan Landschap announced.
In the morning, Peter Ceelen explained the content of the packages Agrarisch Natuurbeheer (ANLb) and Lars van Peij talked about the success (more breeding birds) of the bird field. In the afternoon, Jochem Sloothaak and Fien Oost of Brabants Landschap shared their views on and experiences with ANLb and species protection. They discussed the decline of the farmland bird population and showed on the basis of scientific research and their own observations that agricultural nature and landscape management (ANLB) works. But also that it can always be done even better and sharper.
Want to know more? Visit www.collectiefdeltaplan.nl
The photos in the collage at the right were taken by Lars van Peij, Peter Ceelen and Amber van de Broek.
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