Maasheggen area again 800 hawthorn bushes richer
On Thursday, Dec. 6, 13 volunteers from Stichting Landschapsbeheer Boxmeer planted 800 hawthorn in the Maasheggen area between Boxmeer and Sambeek.
About Foundation Landscape Management Boxmeer (SLaBox).
SLaBox works to create a beautiful natural landscape in the outlying area of the municipality of Boxmeer. SLaBoxers are workers in the field. Volunteers committed to their own environment. People who manage and maintain the landscape.
Cozy groups working on new nature, everyone is welcome.
SLaBox works together with various parties. Such as IVN De Maasvallei, Vogelwacht De Maasheggen, Agrarische Natuur Vereniging, schools, village councils, associations, etc.
Want to know more? Take a look at their website