Staatsbosbeheer performs maintenance in Maasheggen

Published: Friday, Feb. 17, 2023

Every year Staatsbosbeheer performs management and maintenance in the Maasheggengebied, which can sometimes look impressive but is necessary for the preservation of the Maasheggengebied. The work always takes place from October 1 to March 15. After that, the breeding season begins and there is peace and quiet in the area.
The following work is carried out:

  • Remove storage from the hem. This refers to putting back storage of shrubs outside the line of the original hedge, usually involving storage of blackthorn, ash or bramble;

  • Pruning of cutting shearbacks

  • Topiary, heavy pruning of thickets or (robust) cutting hedges;

  • Pollarding willows and ash trees;

  • Braiding hedges;

  • Maintaining the pools of Staatsbosbeheer;

  • Mowing riparian vegetation to maintain open water for reptiles and amphibians.

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