Water board addresses mouth of Campaign Brook

Published: Wednesday, December 16, 2020

In the south of the Maasheggen area, near Maashees, lies the Campagnebeek. In recent times, together with landowners, residents and entrepreneurs, we have been looking for space for water and a good combination of agriculture and nature. It has been agreed that water board Aa and Maas will first address the mouth of the Campagnebeek in the Maas.
This will include the following measures:

  • at the mouth of the stream into the Meuse, landforms will be removed to allow fish to enter the stream;
  • the stream will be made shallower, allowing groundwater to remain in the stream valley longer, which will help the development of desirable flora;
  • part of the creek will be made wide and shallow. This is also called the "swamp stream. Water can also be buffered here during peak downpours.

Waterschap Aa en Maas created a draft project plan with concrete measures. That plan is now available for inspection. Implementation of the work will begin in the summer of 2021. Read more

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