12,000 New hawthorns in Maasheggen

Published: Monday, April 06, 2020

Staatsbosbeheer started today (Monday, April 6) with the planting of over 12,000 hawthorns in the Maasheggen. Staatsbosbeheer is thus contributing to the restoration of the ancient hedge structure. The new planting will take place in the area around the Schutskooi, between Groeningen and Vortum-Mullem. The work is expected to take about one week. In total, Staatsbosbeheer is restoring 3 kilometers of hedges with the new plantings.

"We are planting species that belong in the area, such as hawthorn, wild cardinal's hat, buckthorn and wild rose," says forester Gert van Duuren of Staatsbosbeheer. "The berries of the hawthorns, among others, are collected by our own Seed & Plants department in the fall and then sown and grown. Several years later, we replant the shrubs. It also provides an attractive hedge maze for visitors and suitable habitat for plants and animals. When these hedges are grown out in about 10 years, we will braid some of them. Many birds and other animals will benefit from this."

Historical map

Many hedges have disappeared over the past few centuries, particularly in land consolidation. Staatsbosbeheer has researched where the restoration of hedges is appropriate based on old staff maps.
The planting of the hedges is done in cooperation with Vereniging Nederlands Cultuurlandschap.

The photo is by Janneke de Groot (Staatsbosbeheer)

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