Information meeting counters animals and plants in The Maasheggen
Last summer, at the initiative of Staatsbosbeheer, Brabants Landschap and five knowledge organizations (RAVON, FLORON, Vlinderstichting, Dassenwerkgroep and SOVON), counted numerous animal species and plants in the Maasheggen area.
On Monday, November 21, the first results of those counts will be shared during an information meeting in MFA Het Kruispunt in Beugen. The meeting is intended for both the volunteers who helped with the monitoring and for new interested parties who want to join the count.
How does the flora and fauna in the Maasheggen area develop? How do plants and animals respond to different forms of management? And what are the consequences of the choice for a more nature-friendly agriculture? To answer these questions, over the next few years, volunteers will regularly travel into the UNESCO area De Maasheggen to count specific plant and animal species.
Several field meetings took place last year in which volunteers learned how to count the various species groups. On November 21 there will be a feedback on last year's results and a look ahead to 2023, as well as the opportunity to talk to the species organizations.
Would you also like to become a 'count volunteer' and/or are you curious about the first results? Sign up for the information meeting on Monday, November 21 in MFA Het Kruispunt, Kerkplein 6 in Beugen. The meeting starts at 19.30 hours. You can sign up by sending an email to